Pardot Opt-In Process Setup

Capture prospect consent and ensure GDPR compliance.

With the recent introduction of GDPR legislation, it’s never been more important to record and obey your prospects’ consent. We’ve worked with many different sizes of organisations to build a custom opt-in process which meets their industry or territory’s regulatory landscape.

Customised for your requirements

Each opt-in process starts with a workshop where we get to know your organisation and the regulatory compliance requirements which you face. Depending on your industry and location, this may involve a single opt-in or a double opt-in process (also known as a confirmed opt-in process). We also help you to define if you would like the most recent opt-in status to override the first selection, or whether an opted-in prospect should remain so until they explicitly unsubscribe.

  • Single opt-in or confirmed/double opt-in options
  • Guidance on handling repeated form submissions by prospects
  • Advice on how to handle opt-outs / global unsubscribes
  • Process includes management of re-opt-ins (prospects opting back in)

Full tracking and visibility options

Being GDPR compliant is more than a question of defining which prospects you send emails to, or which prospects have opted out from your communcations. An important - but often overlooked - aspect of GDPR compliance is the ability to open any record in Pardot and quickly see their opt-in status, how they opted in, and which date they gave their consent. We also offer the capability for your teams to be able to see prospect consents in Salesforce, and even the ability for you to capture consent by telephone from your prospects, record this in Salesforce and sync back into Pardot.

  • Visibility of opt-in status, method and date
  • Consent visibility in Salesforce
  • Optional processes for capturing other consents, such as by telephone

Full styling options

As part of setting up your opt-in process, we can also develop custom styles for your opt-in/privacy policy and your opt-in checkbox to match your brand style and existing web forms.

  • Privacy / opt in policy text styling
  • Opt in checkbox styling
  • Above or below form disclaimers

Optional Email Preference Center setup

In addition to your opt-in process, we can also set up your Email Preference Center, which takes email consent to the next level by allowing your prospects to select specifically which themes of communication they would like to receive from you.

  • Optional Email Preference Center implementation
  • Support and training on using your new email preference lists

Documentation and support on your process

Implementing a new process can be challenging for larger or international teams. Having a fully-documented process greatly improves the adherence of your team to your new opt-in process. We also offer bespoke options for support and training to ensure that your new process is well adopted.

  • Full documentation provided
  • Options for support and training on using your new opt-in process